R&D and Software
- Hardware and software engineers of R&D and software form the Pillars of Softland. Concept to realisation, innovation beyond imagination in accordance with the ideas of the management and with the Support form factor from the team production, is a feather in the crown of the R&D and software department. The product realisation in the arenas of pc side utilities, machine side firmware and innovative technologies adapted has been a strong reason for success of softland.
- Young, strong and aggressive team of the marketing and sales department form part of the requirement - vision - reality team of softland. A field for the concept to realisation, innovation beyond imagination in accordance with the ideas of the management, team R&D and software and team production is because of this young group. The most innovative factor of this department is to field for innovations.
Customer Support
- Young, fast, strong and aggressive dedicated team of the customer support department are the pillars of growth of softland by way of Softland motto - "GROWING WITH CUSTOMER SATISFATION". With the dedicated team softland is able to have an upper edge over the competitors on the service and support arenas in the world scenarios. constant field suggestion and up gradation solutions as deciphered from the field experience has been a complementing factor on the growth of softland.
Quality Control & Technical Support
- Young, strong and aggressive team of the QC AND TECH SUPPORT department is responsible for the audit and accuracy of the solutions as created by the various departments. The fine tuning and the working accuracy is promptly taken care of by this Department. A wing of this department tech support also provides technical assistance to the customers for newer ideas and requirements.